tagged giphy


My animated series ”大捣蛋小姐妹“ (YogaMasker & Bikini Kitty) has been officially lauched in the WeChat Sticker Gallery and GIPHY! Wish my YogaMasker and Bikini Kitty could bring joy and happiness into your life.

喜欢这个表情系列吗?在微信表情商店搜索“大捣蛋小姐妹”或者Momo Meng,或者扫以上二维码,即可找到这套表情包。 国外社交平台用户GIF搜索 "momomeng", 即可看到这一整套动图。祝大家发图愉快哟。

Do you like this sticker series? If so , search "大捣蛋小姐妹" or "Momo Meng" in the WeChat Sticker Gallery , or scan the QR code above, you can immdediately have it on your palm. GIPHY powers platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatsApp etc. GIF search "momomeng", you would find this whole series. Happy GIF chatting everyone!