
As a procrastinator, I'm so happy to see that one of my goals for this year has finally been achieved, LOL. That is, my animated series ”大捣蛋小姐妹“ has been officially lauched in the WeChat Sticker Gallery! Wish my YogaMasker and Bikini Kitty could bring joy and happiness into your life.


Let's take a look of some of the GIFs in this series.


The first prototype of "YogaMasker" has been created for quite some time now, see the image below. I remember that I brought it to a London exhibition back in 2017, a visitor gave me this following message. She said she loved the sense of humor in my work. If you have visited my website, you might think that I only create serious and heavy topic artworks. Truth is, I've actually done a lot of funny stuffs as well, hahaha.


Yoga Masker is a small girl who loves putting on beauty mask while practicing Yoga.She has a great sense of humor, she’s passionate about life, she’s always happy and full of joy :)

喜欢这个表情系列吗?在微信表情商店搜索“大捣蛋小姐妹”或者Momo Meng,或者扫以下的二维码,即可找到这套表情包,祝大家发图愉快哟。

Do you like this sticker series? If so , search "大捣蛋小姐妹" or "Momo Meng" in the WeChat Sticker Gallery , or scan the QR code below, you can immdediately have it on your palm. Happy chatting everyone!


Support my original creations, please send and share this design to your buddies, reward it even, thank you so much!

”大捣蛋小姐妹“(YogaMasker & Bikini Kitty) series is on GIPHY as well. GIPHY powers platforms like TikTok, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Snapchat, WhatApp etc. GIF search "momomeng", you can find the whole series. Happy GIF sharing :)

大捣蛋小姐妹 YogaMasker & Bikini Kitty
