Part 1. Seek Shelter Immediately!


哈哈哈,别紧张,这只是个小故事用以引出我最新的一幅插画Seek Shelter Immediately (立即寻求庇护).

不觉得我们的社会跟TWD《行尸走肉》惊人相似吗? 同样都是一副副眼神呆滞,脑壳空洞的皮囊,充斥着大街小巷,餐馆酒楼,公交地铁,私驾公骑,甚至家中的饭台沙发之上。唯一不同的是,现实中的丧尸嗜的不是血肉,而是手机那小小屏幕上花花绿绿的不停变幻的世界。他们是如此地沉溺其中,继而放纵着自己用无知、忽视、麻木、自私以及沉默去大规模地杀死了原本应该珍惜的友谊、爱情、家庭乃至于生命。

这就是这幅插画的创作背景。Seek Shelter Immediately是我一个主题创作How it goes的第一篇章,往后我会陆续跟大家分享这个系列的创作,谢谢阅览。

Don’t you think our society is very similar to The Walking Dead? Same chaos, same brutality, same despair, the only difference is that in real life the living dead are not hungry for blood & flesh. They’re more drawn to smartphones, smartwatches and tablets, making massive kills simply by indulgence,ignorance, neglect, numbness, selfishness and silence.

Well this is the idea behind “Seek Shelter Immediately”.

An artistic form of expression criticizing smartphone addiction does not equal saying the development of technology is bad. There's a fine line between using technology properly and misusing it. You should make friends with technology, not be a slave to it. And this is what my work tries to express.

How it goes

“How it goes” is a story project, it includes a complete story line and a series of illustrations.

Currently I’ve just finished Part 1 “Seek Shelter Immediately”, hope the rest will be done soon, so I can show you guys my whole idea.


Story illustrations