tagged fightdiscrimination

Manufacturers and suppliers worldwide please have a look at Alibaba’s sourcing platform !Thank you!🙏🌹 Please also help us share this information!

Registration system for donating medical protective gears to Wuhan:

There are 4 overseas warehouses for accepting donation gears, one in Japan, one in The Netherlands, two in the US. Please pick the closest one near you, if you need more information please contact  the personnel below the registration form.Instructions of donation process:
詳盡的境外捐贈醫療物資去武漢的清關流程指南。 有資源的朋友們請幫幫忙,讓我們的醫務人員得到最大的保護!


Thank you very much! ️

My response to a person’s comment on Instagram:

First of all, our government and I’m sure all the western medias are openly admitting we are facing a serious situation, no one is denying that. We Chinese citizens everyone everyday receives 5 up messages from our local government, CDC, telling us to remain calm, reduce public activities,frequently wash hands, wear mask in any public areas like buses, subway, stores and so on.

We have 527 cured cases so far, 166 more than death cases, have you been informed of that? Use only 8 days finish building a hospital capacity of 1000 Patients; facing a situation severe like this, all cities remain in order, living supplies remain sufficient. China has a huge population, half month ago happened to be the travel peak of China New Year. Can you imagine the difficulty we’re facing? If your country stands in the same situation like ours, can you guarantee all your citizens remain calm? Have you seen the efforts our government and our citizens make? On one charity channel only, “Tencent Charity”, 455 millions CNY have been donated by common citizens including myself to support the fight against the virus.

No solution is perfect in situation like this. There are rotten apples yes, and they’re severely condemned by our domestic public opinions. But for most of us, we’re simply doing the best we can to help at this moment. You have all the rights to speak your opinions, but fact is, you’re not here, your resources all come from the internet, you don’t directly feel the situation like us do. It’s easy to point fingers over the internet, but if you have time to do that, why not spend some time to think about how you can help.